gluten-free chocolate monster cookies
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Peanut Butter Brownie Monster Cookies ~ Gluten-Free

I am a huge fan of just about any monster cookie and that’s probably because I am a huge fan of M&Ms, but these peanut butter brownie monster cookies are extra special. Why? Because they are chocolate for one thing, which is always a plus. There’s something more about these cookies that make them irresistible…

Mango – Pear Chocolate Smoothie Bowl
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Mango – Pear Chocolate Smoothie Bowl

Mango-Pear Chocolate Smoothie Bowls are a breakfast I look forward to about 3-4 times a week. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, a deliciously thick smoothie bowl with some heart-shaped chocolate fudge protein bites would be a fun idea for that special someone…or make one for yourself! In my opinion, the thicker the smoothie…

Coconut Bliss Cookies ~ Allergy-Friendly & Vegan
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Coconut Bliss Cookies ~ Allergy-Friendly & Vegan

Coconut Bliss Cookies are a healthy version of a cookie we all know very well. I think you are going to love this healthier version just as much as the original…and maybe even more! It’s surprising how easy and fun these coconut bliss cookies are to make. Kids can help too, which in the end…

german chocolate cupcakes
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German Chocolate Cupcakes ~ Easy dessert idea

My husband and son are huge fans of German Chocolate Cake. Okay…I am too. My family can’t always eat a whole cake, especially since several of us have food sensitivities and we can’t all have the same kind. So I solved this problem by making a batch of cupcakes (of course from a box, we…

easy gluten, egg, and dairy-free option snack'n cake chocolate
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Easy Gluten-Free Chocolate Snack’n Cake  

Here is a super easy gluten-free chocolate snack’n cake recipe you are going to want to keep handy. It’s moist, delicious, and simple; everything we want in a dessert and more! The texture of this chocolate cake is so soft your teeth just sink into every dreamy bite. If you count Weight Watcher points plus,…

Gluten-free graham cracker toffee
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Gluten-Free Graham Cracker Toffee Nut Bars ~ Dairy-Free Option

Graham Cracker Toffee Nut Bars are in a class all their own. The whole pan vanishes within minutes. The biggest complaint I get about these toffee bars is that people can’t stop eating them!! Thank goodness for gluten-free graham crackers; this creates a whole new world for “cracker toffee” options. This recipe can also be…

healthy homemade date candy
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Peanut Butter Maple Date Bites

Peanut Butter Maple Date Bites are like candy…except healthier. I was showing my husband one of my favorite snack foods, a date filled with peanut butter when I suddenly got the idea to dip the end of my date in maple butter. I probably don’t have to tell you how insanely delicious that was! I…

chocolate chip energy balls
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Chocolate Chip – Energy Balls with Goji Berries & Cacao Nibs

Snack with a purpose! Chocolate Chip Energy balls are perfect for snacking and kids love them as much as adults. These are a handy snack to have at work too! They are quick to eat and have no messy cleanup. Sometimes healthy snacking is easier said than done…right?  These little chocolate chip energy balls are…