Homestyle Chili With Mushrooms  ~  Healthy & Hearty
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Homestyle Chili With Mushrooms  ~ Healthy & Hearty

  Homestyle Chili With Mushrooms is a staple at our house. I should say chili in general is a staple at our house; we aren’t too picky when it comes to chili. That would explain why I have so many different recipes and versions of chili. It’s fun to try new foods and recipes to…

easy meatloaf
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Easy Lean Meatloaf ~ Gluten & dairy-free options

Easy Lean Meatloaf is not quite like the one Mom used to make. This homestyle meatloaf is lean with mushrooms, allergy-friendly, and has a sugar-free ketchup option. We’ve enjoyed this basic meatloaf recipe for years. Sometimes, we like to jazz it up with olives, sweet peppers, and, when my husband talks me into it…a little sausage….